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# File system management
## Traditional partitioning
Create EFI partition.
Create other partitions. F2FS and ext4 support per folder encryption (important
in multi-user systems). BtrFS does transparent compression.
### Encryption
cryptsetup --type luks2 luksFormat /path/to/device
cryptsetup open /path/to/device mappername
mkfs.filesystem /dev/mapper/mappername [-O encrypt]
### Swap file
# create file
dd if=/dev/zero of=<partition or file> bs=1024 count=<number of KiB>
chmod 600 <partition or file>
mkswap <partition or file>
swapon <partition or file>
From `/etc/fstab`:
<partition or file> none swap defaults,nofail 0 0
#### Encrypted swap
For an ephemeral encrypted swap (no password, no hibernation), waiting on a
`void-runit` commit.