//po4a: entry man manual = nologin(8) :doctype: manpage :man manual: System Administration :man source: util-linux {release-version} :page-layout: base :command: nologin == NAME nologin - politely refuse a login == SYNOPSIS *nologin* [*-V*] [*-h*] == DESCRIPTION *nologin* displays a message that an account is not available and exits non-zero. It is intended as a replacement shell field to deny login access to an account. If the file _/etc/nologin.txt_ exists, *nologin* displays its contents to the user instead of the default message. The exit status returned by *nologin* is always 1. == OPTIONS *-c*, *--command* _command_ *--init-file* *-i* *--interactive* *--init-file* _file_ *-i*, *--interactive* *-l*, *--login* *--noprofile* *--norc* *--posix* *--rcfile* _file_ *-r*, *--restricted* These shell command-line options are ignored to avoid *nologin* error. *-h*, *--help*:: Display help text and exit. *-V*, *--version*:: Display version information and exit. == NOTES *nologin* is a per-account way to disable login (usually used for system accounts like http or ftp). *nologin* uses _/etc/nologin.txt_ as an optional source for a non-default message, the login access is always refused independently of the file. *pam_nologin*(8) PAM module usually prevents all non-root users from logging into the system. *pam_nologin*(8) functionality is controlled by _/var/run/nologin_ or the _/etc/nologin_ file. == HISTORY The *nologin* command appeared in 4.4BSD. == AUTHORS mailto:kzak@redhat.com[Karel Zak] == SEE ALSO *login*(1), *passwd*(5), *pam_nologin*(8) include::man-common/bugreports.adoc[] include::man-common/footer.adoc[] ifdef::translation[] include::man-common/translation.adoc[] endif::[]