//po4a: entry man manual = scriptlive(1) :doctype: manpage :man manual: User Commands :man source: util-linux {release-version} :page-layout: base :command: scriptlive :copyright: © == NAME scriptlive - re-run session typescripts, using timing information == SYNOPSIS *scriptlive* [options] [*-t*] _timingfile_ [*-I*|*-B*] _typescript_ == DESCRIPTION This program re-runs a typescript, using stdin typescript and timing information to ensure that input happens in the same rhythm as it originally appeared when the script was recorded. The *session is executed* in a newly created pseudoterminal with the user's $SHELL (or defaults to _/bin/bash_). *Be careful!* Do not forget that the typescript may contains arbitrary commands. It is recommended to use *"scriptreplay --stream in --log-in typescript"* (or with *--log-io* instead of *--log-in*) to verify the typescript before it is executed by *scriptlive*. The timing information is what script1 outputs to file specified by *--log-timing*. The typescript has to contain stdin information and it is what script1 outputs to file specified by *--log-in* or *--log-io*. == OPTIONS *-I*, *--log-in* _file_:: File containing *script*'s terminal input. *-B*, *--log-io* _file_:: File containing *script*'s terminal output and input. *-t*, *--timing* _file_:: File containing *script*'s timing output. This option overrides old-style arguments. *-T*, *--log-timing* _file_:: Aliased to *-t*, maintained for compatibility with *script*(1) command-line options. *-d*, *--divisor* _number_:: Speed up the replay displaying this _number_ of times. The argument is a floating-point number. It's called divisor because it divides the timings by this factor. This option overrides old-style arguments. *-m*, *--maxdelay* _number_:: Set the maximum delay between updates to _number_ of seconds. The argument is a floating-point number. This can be used to avoid long pauses in the typescript replay. *-V*, *--version*:: Display version information and exit. *-h*, *--help*:: Display help text and exit. == EXAMPLES .... % script --log-timing file.tm --log-in script.in Script started, file is script.out % date % exit Script done, file is script.out % scriptlive --log-timing file.tm --log-in script.in .... == AUTHORS mailto:kzak@redhat.com[Karel Zak] == COPYRIGHT //TRANSLATORS: Keep {copyright} untranslated. Copyright {copyright} 2019 Karel Zak This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Released under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later. == SEE ALSO *script*(1), *scriptreplay*(1) include::man-common/bugreports.adoc[] include::man-common/footer.adoc[] ifdef::translation[] include::man-common/translation.adoc[] endif::[]