//po4a: entry man manual //// Copyright 2008 Tilman Schmidt (tilman@imap.cc) May be distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later //// = ldattach(8) :doctype: manpage :man manual: System Administration :man source: util-linux {release-version} :page-layout: base :command: ldattach == NAME ldattach - attach a line discipline to a serial line == SYNOPSIS *ldattach* [*-1278denoVh*] [*-i* _iflag_] [*-s* _speed_] _ldisc device_ == DESCRIPTION The *ldattach* daemon opens the specified _device_ file (which should refer to a serial device) and attaches the line discipline _ldisc_ to it for processing of the sent and/or received data. It then goes into the background keeping the device open so that the line discipline stays loaded. The line discipline _ldisc_ may be specified either by name or by number. In order to detach the line discipline, *kill*(1) the *ldattach* process. With no arguments, *ldattach* prints usage information. == LINE DISCIPLINES Depending on the kernel release, the following line disciplines are supported: *TTY*(*0*):: The default line discipline, providing transparent operation (raw mode) as well as the habitual terminal line editing capabilities (cooked mode). *SLIP*(*1*):: Serial Line IP (SLIP) protocol processor for transmitting TCP/IP packets over serial lines. *MOUSE*(*2*):: Device driver for RS232 connected pointing devices (serial mice). *PPP*(*3*):: Point to Point Protocol (PPP) processor for transmitting network packets over serial lines. *STRIP*(*4*); *AX25*(*5*); *X25*(*6*):: Line driver for transmitting X.25 packets over asynchronous serial lines. *6PACK*(*7*); *R3964*(*9*):: Driver for Simatic R3964 module. *IRDA*(*11*):: Linux IrDa (infrared data transmission) driver - see http://irda.sourceforge.net/ *HDLC*(*13*):: Synchronous HDLC driver. *SYNC_PPP*(*14*):: Synchronous PPP driver. *HCI*(*15*):: Bluetooth HCI UART driver. *GIGASET_M101*(*16*):: Driver for Siemens Gigaset M101 serial DECT adapter. *PPS*(*18*):: Driver for serial line Pulse Per Second (PPS) source. *GSM0710*(*21*):: Driver for GSM 07.10 multiplexing protocol modem (CMUX). == OPTIONS *-1*, *--onestopbit*:: Set the number of stop bits of the serial line to one. *-2*, *--twostopbits*:: Set the number of stop bits of the serial line to two. *-7*, *--sevenbits*:: Set the character size of the serial line to 7 bits. *-8*, *--eightbits*:: Set the character size of the serial line to 8 bits. *-d*, *--debug*:: Keep *ldattach* in the foreground so that it can be interrupted or debugged, and to print verbose messages about its progress to standard error output. *-e*, *--evenparity*:: Set the parity of the serial line to even. *-i*, *--iflag* [*-*]_value_...:: Set the specified bits in the c_iflag word of the serial line. The given _value_ may be a number or a symbolic name. If _value_ is prefixed by a minus sign, the specified bits are cleared instead. Several comma-separated values may be given in order to set and clear multiple bits. *-n*, *--noparity*:: Set the parity of the serial line to none. *-o*, *--oddparity*:: Set the parity of the serial line to odd. *-s*, *--speed* _value_:: Set the speed (the baud rate) of the serial line to the specified _value_. *-c*, *--intro-command* _string_:: Define an intro command that is sent through the serial line before the invocation of ldattach. E.g. in conjunction with line discipline GSM0710, the command 'AT+CMUX=0\r' is commonly suitable to switch the modem into the CMUX mode. *-p*, *--pause* _value_:: Sleep for _value_ seconds before the invocation of ldattach. Default is one second. *-V*, *--version*:: Display version information and exit. *-h*, *--help*:: Display help text and exit. == AUTHORS mailto:tilman@imap.cc[Tilman Schmidt] == SEE ALSO *inputattach*(1), *ttys*(4) include::man-common/bugreports.adoc[] include::man-common/footer.adoc[] ifdef::translation[] include::man-common/translation.adoc[] endif::[]