//po4a: entry man manual //// Please don't treat this file as a real man page! We provide it only to show how things should be formatted. Besides this example file, see the existing .adoc files for many more formatting options. The first line above is a hint for po4a that the :man manual: entry needs to be translated. As you can see here, use //// to write comment blocks. For a single comment line, just use //. Please don't wrap lines within a paragraph. Our translation tool po4a behaves a bit unpredictable in such cases. We also urgently recommend to test the creation of the *roff file to see possible issues. //// = foobar(1) :doctype: manpage :man manual: User commands :man source: util-linux {release-version} :page-layout: base :command: foobar == NAME foobar - do nothing == SYNOPSIS *foobar* _options_ _file_ == DESCRIPTION Describe *foobar* briefly. == OPTIONS //Format options bold and values italic: *-o*, *--option* _value_:: This option has a value. + For empty lines within a description (to keep the indentation) you can use the "plus" character at the beginning of an otherwise empty line. //Last but not least, don't forget the common options: *-V*, *--version*:: Display version information and exit. *-h*, *--help*:: Display help text and exit. == NOTES Put your notes here which don't match any other paragraph. == AUTHORS // Format mail addresses as follows: mailto:john.doe@example.com[John Doe] // If you need more than one address, use a comma-separated list or leave empty lines between the entries. == SEE ALSO *foo*(1), *bar*(1) include::man-common/bugreports.adoc[] include::man-common/footer.adoc[] ifdef::translation[] include::man-common/translation.adoc[] endif::[]