//po4a: entry man manual = fsck.cramfs(8) :doctype: manpage :man manual: System Administration :man source: util-linux {release-version} :page-layout: base :command: fsck.cramfs == NAME fsck.cramfs - fsck compressed ROM file system == SYNOPSIS *fsck.cramfs* [options] _file_ == DESCRIPTION *fsck.cramfs* is used to check the cramfs file system. == OPTIONS *-v*, *--verbose*:: Enable verbose messaging. *-b*, *--blocksize* _blocksize_:: Use this blocksize, defaults to page size. Must be equal to what was set at creation time. Only used for *--extract*. *--extract*[=_directory_]:: Test to uncompress the whole file system. Optionally extract contents of the _file_ to _directory_. *-a*:: This option is silently ignored. *-y*:: This option is silently ignored. *-V*, *--version*:: Display version information and exit. *-h*, *--help*:: Display help text and exit. == EXIT STATUS *0*:: success *4*:: file system was left uncorrected *8*:: operation error, such as unable to allocate memory *16*:: usage information was printed == SEE ALSO *mount*(8), *mkfs.cramfs*(8) include::man-common/bugreports.adoc[] include::man-common/footer.adoc[] ifdef::translation[] include::man-common/translation.adoc[] endif::[]