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//po4a: entry man manual
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
= findmnt(8)
:doctype: manpage
:man manual: System Administration
:man source: util-linux {release-version}
:page-layout: base
:command: findmnt
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
:plus: +
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
findmnt - find a filesystem
*findmnt* [options]
*findmnt* [options] _device_|_mountpoint_
*findmnt* [options] [*--source*] _device_ [*--target* _path_|*--mountpoint* _mountpoint_]
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*findmnt* will list all mounted filesystems or search for a filesystem. The *findmnt* command is able to search in _/etc/fstab_, _/etc/mtab_ or _/proc/self/mountinfo_. If _device_ or _mountpoint_ is not given, all filesystems are shown.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
The device may be specified by device name, major:minor numbers, filesystem label or UUID, or partition label or UUID. Note that *findmnt* follows *mount*(8) behavior where a device name may be interpreted as a mountpoint (and vice versa) if the *--target*, *--mountpoint* or *--source* options are not specified.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
The command-line option *--target* accepts any file or directory and then *findmnt* displays the filesystem for the given path.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
The command prints all mounted filesystems in the tree-like format by default.
*-A*, *--all*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Disable all built-in filters and print all filesystems.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-a*, *--ascii*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Use ascii characters for tree formatting.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-b*, *--bytes*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Print the SIZE, USED and AVAIL columns in bytes rather than in a human-readable format.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-C*, *--nocanonicalize*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Do not canonicalize paths at all. This option affects the comparing of paths and the evaluation of tags (LABEL, UUID, etc.).
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-c*, *--canonicalize*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Canonicalize all printed paths.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-D*, *--df*::
2021-04-04 08:33:56 -05:00
Imitate the output of *df*(1). This option is equivalent to *-o SOURCE,FSTYPE,SIZE,USED,AVAIL,USE%,TARGET* but excludes all pseudo filesystems. Use *--all* to print all filesystems.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
*-d*, *--direction* _word_::
The search direction, either *forward* or *backward*.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-e*, *--evaluate*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Convert all tags (LABEL, UUID, PARTUUID or PARTLABEL) to the corresponding device names.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-F*, *--tab-file* _path_::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Search in an alternative file. If used with *--fstab*, *--mtab* or *--kernel*, then it overrides the default paths. If specified more than once, then tree-like output is disabled (see the *--list* option).
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-f*, *--first-only*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Print the first matching filesystem only.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-h*, *--help*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Display help text and exit.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-i*, *--invert*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Invert the sense of matching.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-J*, *--json*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Use JSON output format.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-k*, *--kernel*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Search in _/proc/self/mountinfo_. The output is in the tree-like format. This is the default. The output contains only mount options maintained by kernel (see also *--mtab)*.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-l*, *--list*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Use the list output format. This output format is automatically enabled if the output is restricted by the *-t*, *-O*, *-S* or *-T* option and the option *--submounts* is not used or if more that one source file (the option *-F*) is specified.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-M*, *--mountpoint* _path_::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Explicitly define the mountpoint file or directory. See also *--target*.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-m*, *--mtab*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Search in _/etc/mtab_. The output is in the list format by default (see *--tree*). The output may include user space mount options.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-N*, *--task* _tid_::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Use alternative namespace _/proc/<tid>/mountinfo_ rather than the default _/proc/self/mountinfo_. If the option is specified more than once, then tree-like output is disabled (see the *--list* option). See also the *unshare*(1) command.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-n*, *--noheadings*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Do not print a header line.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-O*, *--options* _list_::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Limit the set of printed filesystems. More than one option may be specified in a comma-separated list. The *-t* and *-O* options are cumulative in effect. It is different from *-t* in that each option is matched exactly; a leading _no_ at the beginning does not have global meaning. The "no" can used for individual items in the list. The "no" prefix interpretation can be disabled by "{plus}" prefix.
//TRANSLATORS: Keep {plus} untranslated.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-o*, *--output* _list_::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Define output columns. See the *--help* output to get a list of the currently supported columns. The *TARGET* column contains tree formatting if the *--list* or *--raw* options are not specified.
The default list of columns may be extended if _list_ is specified in the format _{plus}list_ (e.g., *findmnt -o {plus}PROPAGATION*).
//TRANSLATORS: Keep {plus} untranslated.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Output almost all available columns. The columns that require *--poll* are not included.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-P*, *--pairs*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Produce output in the form of key="value" pairs. All potentially unsafe value characters are hex-escaped (\x<code>). The key (variable name) will be modified to contain only characters allowed for a shell variable identifiers, for example, FS_OPTIONS and USE_PCT instead of FS-OPTIONS and USE%.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-p*, *--poll*[_=list_]::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Monitor changes in the _/proc/self/mountinfo_ file. Supported actions are: mount, umount, remount and move. More than one action may be specified in a comma-separated list. All actions are monitored by default.
The time for which *--poll* will block can be restricted with the *--timeout* or *--first-only* options.
The standard columns always use the new version of the information from the mountinfo file, except the umount action which is based on the original information cached by *findmnt*. The poll mode allows using extra columns:
mount, umount, move or remount action name; this column is enabled by default
available for umount and move actions
available for umount and remount actions
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Print only pseudo filesystems.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
Print only filesystems over-mounted by another filesystem.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-R*, *--submounts*::
Print recursively all submounts for the selected filesystems. The restrictions defined by options *-t*, *-O*, *-S*, *-T* and *--direction* are not applied to submounts. All submounts are always printed in tree-like order. The option enables the tree-like output format by default. This option has no effect for *--mtab* or *--fstab*.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-r*, *--raw*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Use raw output format. All potentially unsafe characters are hex-escaped (\x<code>).
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Print only real filesystems.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-S*, *--source* _spec_::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Explicitly define the mount source. Supported specifications are _device_, __maj__**:**_min_, **LABEL=**__label__, **UUID=**__uuid__, **PARTLABEL=**__label__ and **PARTUUID=**__uuid__.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-s*, *--fstab*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Search in _/etc/fstab_. The output is in the list format (see *--list*).
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-T*, *--target* _path_::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Define the mount target. If _path_ is not a mountpoint file or directory, then *findmnt* checks the _path_ elements in reverse order to get the mountpoint (this feature is supported only when searching in kernel files and unsupported for *--fstab*). It's recommended to use the option *--mountpoint* when checks of _path_ elements are unwanted and _path_ is a strictly specified mountpoint.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-t*, *--types* _list_::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Limit the set of printed filesystems. More than one type may be specified in a comma-separated list. The list of filesystem types can be prefixed with *no* to specify the filesystem types on which no action should be taken. For more details see *mount*(8).
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Enable tree-like output if possible. The options is silently ignored for tables where is missing child-parent relation (e.g., fstab).
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
Print only filesystems over-mounted by another filesystem.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-U*, *--uniq*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Ignore filesystems with duplicate mount targets, thus effectively skipping over-mounted mount points.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-u*, *--notruncate*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Do not truncate text in columns. The default is to not truncate the *TARGET*, *SOURCE*, *UUID*, *LABEL*, *PARTUUID*, *PARTLABEL* columns. This option disables text truncation also in all other columns.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-v*, *--nofsroot*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Do not print a [/dir] in the SOURCE column for bind mounts or btrfs subvolumes.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-w*, *--timeout* _milliseconds_::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Specify an upper limit on the time for which *--poll* will block, in milliseconds.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*-x*, *--verify*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Check mount table content. The default is to verify _/etc/fstab_ parsability and usability. It's possible to use this option also with *--tab-file*. It's possible to specify source (device) or target (mountpoint) to filter mount table. The option *--verbose* forces findmnt to print more details.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Force findmnt to print more information (*--verify* only for now).
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
When used with *VFS-OPTIONS* column, print all VFS (fs-independent) flags. This option is designed for auditing purposes to list also default VFS kernel mount options which are normally not listed.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
overrides the default location of the fstab file
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
overrides the default location of the mtab file
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
enables libmount debug output
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
enables libsmartcols debug output
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
use visible padding characters.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*findmnt --fstab -t nfs*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Prints all NFS filesystems defined in _/etc/fstab_.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*findmnt --fstab /mnt/foo*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Prints all _/etc/fstab_ filesystems where the mountpoint directory is _/mnt/foo_. It also prints bind mounts where _/mnt/foo_ is a source.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*findmnt --fstab --target /mnt/foo*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Prints all _/etc/fstab_ filesystems where the mountpoint directory is _/mnt/foo_.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*findmnt --fstab --evaluate*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Prints all _/etc/fstab_ filesystems and converts LABEL= and UUID= tags to the real device names.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*findmnt -n --raw --evaluate --output=target LABEL=/boot*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Prints only the mountpoint where the filesystem with label "/boot" is mounted.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*findmnt --poll --mountpoint /mnt/foo*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Monitors mount, unmount, remount and move on _/mnt/foo_.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*findmnt --poll=umount --first-only --mountpoint /mnt/foo*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Waits for _/mnt/foo_ unmount.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
*findmnt --poll=remount -t ext3 -O ro*::
2021-03-23 14:07:15 -05:00
Monitors remounts to read-only mode on all ext3 filesystems.
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-26 18:30:37 -05:00
mailto:kzak@redhat.com[Karel Zak]
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00
2021-03-19 11:12:57 -05:00