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sbctl - Secure Boot manager
'sbctl' <command>
'sbctl' aims to provide a full integrated secure boot experience.
EFI signing commands
Shows the current secure boot status of the system. It checks if you are
currently booted in UEFI with Secure Boot, and whether or not Setup Mode
has been enabled.
Creates a set of signing keys used to sign EFI binaries. Currently it
will create the following keys:
* Platform Key
* Key Exchange key
* Signature Database Key
It will first attempt to use `sbkeysync` to live enroll the
required keys. This requires Setup Mode to be active.
**sign** <FILE>...::
Signs a EFI binary with the created key. The file will be checked for
valid signatures to avoid duplicates.
*-o* 'PATH', *--output* 'PATH';;
Output filename. Default replaces the file.
*-s*, *--save*;;
Save file to the database.
Signs all enrolled EFI binaries.
*-g*, *--generate*;;
Generate all bundles before signing.
Lists all enrolled EFI binaries.
**remove-file** <FILE>::
Removes the file from the signing database.
Looks for EFI binaries with the mime type application/x-dosexec in the
ESP partition, and looks at the file database. Checks if they have been
signed with the Signature Database Key.
**help** <FILE>...::
Displays a help message.
EFI binary commands
**bundle** [FLAGS] <NAME>::
Creates a bundle that should produce EFI binaries. See **BUNDLES**
below for more details.
*-a* 'PATH', *--amducode* 'PATH';;
AMD microcode location.
*-c* 'PATH', *--cmdline* 'PATH';;
Cmdline location. (default "/etc/kernel/cmdline")
*-e* 'PATH', *--efi-stub* 'PATH';;
EFI Stub location. (default "/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/linuxx64.efi.stub")
*-p* 'PATH', *--esp* 'PATH';;
ESP location. (default "/efi")
*-h*, *--help*;;
Help for bundle.
*-f* 'PATH', *--initramfs* 'PATH';;
Initramfs location. (default "/efi/initramfs-linux.img")
*-i* 'PATH', *--intelucode* 'PATH';;
Intel microcode location.
*-k* 'PATH', *--kernel-img* 'PATH';;
Kernel image location. (default "/efi/vmlinuz-linux")
*-o* 'PATH', *--os-release* 'PATH';;
OS Release file location. (default "/usr/lib/os-release")
*-s*, *--save*;;
Save bundle to the database.
*-l* 'PATH', *--splash-img* 'PATH';;
Boot splash image location.
This command generates all bundles.
*-s*, *--sign*;;
Sign all the generated bundles.
**remove-bundle** <NAME>::
Removes a bundle from the list. This does not delete the bundle itself.
List all registered bundles to generate.
Normally, only the kernel is signed with your secure boot keys. This means the
kernel command line and initramfs can be changed without possibility of verification.
Bundles are EFI executables which pack all three (initramfs, kernel and
cmdline) into a single file which is easy to sign. Avoiding any unsigned
files during boot makes the whole process more tamper-proof.
When a bundle is generated, its configuration is stored into the bundle
database (see **FILES**). Subsequent executions of *sbctl generate-bundles*
will rebuild these bundles, so you don't need to re-specify all parameters
after each system update.
Hint: systemd-boot will automatically show entries for any bundles found in
All commands that take path arguments convert them into absolute paths when
saving them to the database.
Environment variables
Defines the EFI system partition (ESP) location. This overrides the
behaviour from **sbctl** where we query for the correct partition with
**lsblk**. No checks are performed on this path and can be usefull for testing
If this value is "0" sbctl will replace the unicode symbols to equivalent
ascii ones. The default value is assumed to be 1.
Default storage directory.
Owner identification. This is a randomly generated UUID.
Contains a list of EFI binaries to be signed by the generated key.
Contains a list of EFI bundles to be generated.
Contains the Signature Database key used for signing EFI binaries.
Contains the Key Exchange Key.
Contains the Platform Key.
See Also
* Morten Linderud <>