
161 lines
4.5 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/random.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "libbaseencode/baseencode.h"
#include "purr.h"
#include "mmap_file.h"
* This function takes an mmap_file struct, and creates an encrypted buffer from it.
* The created file is passed to an atexit function so it can be deleted automatically.
* Args:
* file: mmap_file for the input file
* keyp: will receive the newly generated random key
* ivp: will receive the newly generated random IV (if enabled in purr.h)
struct mmap_file encrypt_mmap(struct mmap_file file, uint8_t **keyp, uint8_t **ivp)
off_t file_size = file.size;
ssize_t blocks = file_size / br_aes_big_BLOCK_SIZE;
if (blocks * br_aes_big_BLOCK_SIZE < file_size) blocks++;
file_size = blocks * br_aes_big_BLOCK_SIZE;
struct mmap_file rv = {.size = file_size, .prot = PROT_MEM, .flags = MAP_MEM};
uint8_t *key = calloc(KEY_LEN, 1);
uint8_t *iv = calloc(IV_LEN, 1);
uint8_t *iv_throwaway = calloc(IV_LEN, 1);
if (key == NULL || iv == NULL || iv_throwaway == NULL) {
perror("allocation failure");
return rv;
ssize_t err = getrandom(key, KEY_LEN, 0);
//ssize_t err = KEY_LEN;
if (err != KEY_LEN) {
fputs("getrandom() error!\n", stderr);
return rv;
err = getrandom(iv, IV_LEN, 0);
memcpy(iv_throwaway, iv, IV_LEN);
if (err != IV_LEN) {
fputs("getrandom() error!\n", stderr);
return rv;
#endif /* RANDOMIZE_IV */
rv.data = mmap(NULL, rv.size, rv.prot, rv.flags, -1, 0);
if (ERROR_MMAP(rv)) {
return rv;
memcpy(rv.data, file.data, file.size);
ssize_t i = 0;
for (; i < (file_size - file.size); i++) {
rv.data[file.size + i] = file.data[file.size + i];
// anonymous mapping -> subsequent padding bytes are already zero
br_aes_big_cbcenc_keys br = { 0 };
br_aes_big_cbcenc_init(&br, key, KEY_LEN);
br_aes_big_cbcenc_run(&br, iv_throwaway, rv.data, file_size);
#ifdef ENCODE_BASE_64
baseencode_error_t berr;
char *data = base64_encode(rv.data, rv.size, &berr);
if (data == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "base64_encode(): error code %d\n", berr);
// TODO: returns good rv
return rv;
size_t len = strlen(data);
struct mmap_file rv_64 = {.size = len, .prot = PROT_MEM, .flags = MAP_MEM};
rv_64.data = mmap(NULL, rv_64.size, rv_64.prot, rv_64.flags, -1, 0);
if (ERROR_MMAP(rv_64)) {
// TODO: returns good rv
return rv;
memcpy(rv_64.data, data, len);
munmap(rv.data, rv.size);
rv = rv_64;
#endif /* ENCODE_BASE_64 */
munmap(file.data, file.size);
// pass pointers to caller
*keyp = key;
*ivp = iv;
return rv;
struct mmap_file decrypt_mmap(struct mmap_file file, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv)
struct mmap_file rv = {.size = file.size, .prot = PROT_MEM, .flags = MAP_MEM};
#ifdef DECODE_BASE_64
baseencode_error_t berr;
size_t data_len;
// TODO: find out why file.size is weird
uint8_t *data = base64_decode((char *)file.data, strlen((char *)file.data), &berr, &data_len);
if (data == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "base64_decode(): error code %d\n", berr);
return rv;
// big hack to bypass issues
//assert(data_len % br_aes_big_BLOCK_SIZE == 0);
data_len -= data_len % br_aes_big_BLOCK_SIZE;
rv.size = data_len;
#endif /* DECODE_BASE_64 */
rv.data = mmap(NULL, rv.size, rv.prot, rv.flags, -1, 0);
if (ERROR_MMAP(rv)) {
return rv;
#ifdef DECODE_BASE_64
memcpy(rv.data, data, rv.size);
memcpy(rv.data, file.data, file.size);
#endif /* DECODE_BASE_64 */
munmap(file.data, file.size);
uint8_t *iv_throwaway = calloc(IV_LEN, 1);
if (iv_throwaway == NULL) {
// TODO: returns good rv
return rv;
memcpy(iv_throwaway, iv, IV_LEN);
br_aes_big_cbcdec_keys br = { 0 };
br_aes_big_cbcdec_init(&br, key, KEY_LEN);
br_aes_big_cbcdec_run(&br, iv_throwaway, rv.data, rv.size);
// kinda hacky, but not sure how to determine where padding starts otherwise
// TODO: look only at last block, perhaps?
rv.size = strlen((char *)rv.data);
return rv;