# System configuration Running `void.sh base_env` installs the stuff that's the bare minimum for my setup. Inside `void.d` configuration files for dracut and the kernel tasks in Void can also be found, as well as a file for setting up all the necessary system services. ## Configuring chroot installation Using `xvoidstrap` and `xchroot`, it is easy to install and enter a chroot installation. Might require installing the `linux` package and generating initramfs. - Allow `wheel` group to use `sudo`. Example file in `void.d`. - Create user in `wheel` (superuser) and `video` (backlight) groups. - If using `fscrypt` (F2FS and ext4), init it (rules and commands in Arch Wiki). - Configure Dracut in `/etc/dracut.conf.d/`. ## Configuring any installation - Configure locales in `/etc/default/libc-locales`. - Configure AppArmor in `/etc/default/apparmor`. - Stow stuff and good to go.