# ericonr's fish config related to embedded development ## Functions for programming with openocd function openocdfast -a interface target openocd -f interface/$interface.cfg -f target/$target.cfg end function openocdstlink -a target openocdfast stlink $target end function openocdcmsis -a target openocdfast cmsis-dap $target end ## Alias and function for debugging arm-none-eabi stuff with ugdb alias arm-ugdb='ugdb --gdb arm-none-eabi-gdb' function arm-ugdb-tmux tmux new-window -n ugdb-arm ugdb --gdb arm-none-eabi-gdb $argv end ## Settings and alias for using the esp-idf tools from Espressif (ESP32) set -x ESPIDF /opt/esp-idf alias esp-idf='$ESPIDF/tools/idf.py -B /tmp/esp/(basename (pwd))' ## Aliases and function for can-utils related stuff alias set-can='sudo ip link set up can0 type can bitrate 500000' alias can0dump='candump can0' function can0filt candump can0,$0:7ff end