Split setting up documentation.

This commit is contained in:
Érico Rolim 2020-05-22 23:55:15 -03:00
parent 5da6674a12
commit 99a965c1a4
3 changed files with 68 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# File system management
## Traditional partitioning
Create EFI partition.
Create other partitions. F2FS and ext4 support per folder encryption (important
in multi-user systems). BtrFS does transparent compression.
### Encryption
cryptsetup --type luks2 luksFormat /path/to/device
cryptsetup open /path/to/device mappername
mkfs.filesystem /dev/mapper/mappername [-O encrypt]
### Swap file
# create file
dd if=/dev/zero of=<partition or file> bs=1024 count=<number of KiB>
chmod 600 <partition or file>
mkswap <partition or file>
swapon <partition or file>
From `/etc/fstab`:
<partition or file> none swap defaults,nofail 0 0
#### Encrypted swap
For an ephemeral encrypted swap (no password, no hibernation), waiting on a
`void-runit` commit.

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# System configuration
Running `void.sh base_env` installs the stuff that's the bare minimum for my
Inside `void.d` configuration files for dracut and the kernel tasks in Void can
also be found, as well as a file for setting up all the necessary system
## Configuring chroot installation
Using `xvoidstrap` and `xchroot`, it is easy to install and enter a chroot
installation. Might require installing the `linux` package and generating
- Allow `wheel` group to use `sudo`. Example file in `void.d`.
- Create user in `wheel` (superuser) and `video` (backlight) groups.
- If using `fscrypt` (F2FS and ext4), init it (rules and commands in Arch Wiki).
- Configure Dracut in `/etc/dracut.conf.d/`.
## Configuring any installation
- Configure locales in `/etc/default/libc-locales`.
- Configure AppArmor in `/etc/default/apparmor`.
- Stow stuff and good to go.

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# Facilitating the installation of Void Linux
Running `void.sh install_most` installs the stuff that's the bare minimum for my
Inside `void.d` configuration files for dracut and the kernel tasks in Void can
also be found, as well as a file for setting up all the necessary system
## Installation steps
### Partitioning and creating filesystems
Partitioning was manual. A UEFI setup can have only an ESP partition and the
main user one. Partitioning can be done with either `gdisk` (more CLI-y) or
`cfdisk` (more TUI-y). The ESP partition should be formatted as FAT32, and the
user one should be made into a LUKS2 volume via
cryptsetup --type luks2 luksFormat /path/to/device
This will ask you for the desired password and encryption scheme.
To open the LUKS volume, run
cryptsetup open /path/to/device mappername
This will create a device in `/dev/mapper` named `mappername`. This device can
then de formatted with your filesystem of choice. I tend to go either with
Brtfs, ext4 or F2FS. The last two support per folder encryption if you want to
have another layer of protection (can be specially relevant in a multi-user
setup). Formatting is done by
mkfs.filesystem /path/to/device [-O encrypt]
The filesystem should now be ready to be used!
### Installing the root filesystem
The current installation setup was made by downloading a ROOTFS image from the
[Void Linux download page](https://a-hel-fi.m.voidlinux.org/live/current/) and
untarring it into the root of the desired filesystem.
tar xvf void-x86_64-ROOTFS-20191109.tar.xz
TODO: chroot into, DNS, install basic stuff (iwd and neovim, mostly), install
Linux, create initramfs, reboot, log into root, allow wheel to access stuff,
create user with certain groups, init fscrypt (copy rules from Arch Wiki), git
clone package, stow stuff, run startsway.