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# _
# ___ _ __(_) ___ ___ _ __ _ __
# / _ \ '__| |/ __/ _ \| '_ \| '__|
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# \___|_| |_|\___\___/|_| |_|_|
# package installer for Void Linux
2020-05-12 18:36:41 -05:00
bold=$(tput bold)
normal=$(tput sgr0)
2020-05-12 18:36:41 -05:00
print_bold() {
printf "%s%s%s" "${bold}" "$1" "${normal}"
2020-05-12 18:41:18 -05:00
print_item() {
printf -- "- %s:" "$(print_bold $1)"
nonfree() {
[ -z "$NO_NONFREE" ] && echo "$@"
2020-08-12 21:52:15 -05:00
assemble_list() {
for name in $1
eval "echo \"\$$name\""
base="chrony elogind iwd vsv socklog-void doas font-spleen"
base_desc="$(print_item base) Install base system utilities."
2020-05-12 18:36:41 -05:00
luks_desc="$(print_item luks) Install support for LUKS."
2020-05-12 18:36:41 -05:00
uefi_bundle="binutils gummiboot sbsigntool"
uefi_bundle_desc="$(print_item uefi_bundle) Install tools for creating UEFI bundles."
2020-05-12 18:36:41 -05:00
disk_tools="fscrypt udisks2"
disk_tools_desc="$(print_item disk_tools) Install fscrypt and UDisks2."
su_disk_tools="autofs hdparm"
su_disk_tools_desc="$(print_item su_disk_tools) Install AutoFS and hdparm"
refind_desc="$(print_item refind) Install the rEFInd boot manager."
2020-08-12 22:38:01 -05:00
zfs="zfs zfsbootmenu zfs-auto-snapshot"
zfs_desc="$(print_item zfs) Install support for ZFS."
security_desc="$(print_item security) Install AppArmor related packages."
popcorn_desc="$(print_item popcorn) Install PopCorn usage statistics."
2020-01-07 11:54:29 -06:00
_browser="ncdu ranger fzf"
_monitor="bmon htop"
_net="curl git gnupg2 aerc asciinema lynx weechat"
_shell="fish-shell lolcat-c tmux"
_tools="bsdtar fd lowdown neovim p7zip parallel ripgrep stow execline s6"
_boxes="toybox toybox.static busybox"
_void="vsv xtools fuzzypkg graphviz"
2020-08-12 22:38:01 -05:00
_info="man-pages-devel man-pages-posix"
_fortune="cowsay fortune-mod-void"
_otp="bearssl-devel oath-toolkit libargon2-devel jq"
term="python3 ${_browser} ${_device} ${_monitor} ${_net} ${_shell} ${_tools}
${_boxes} ${_void} ${_info} ${_fortune} ${_otp}"
term_desc="$(print_item term) Install basic terminal utilities."
ssh="fuse-sshfs rsync"
ssh_desc="$(print_item ssh) Install SSH utilities."
intel="intel-gpu-tools libva-intel-driver intel-media-driver mesa-intel-dri
intel-undervolt $(nonfree intel-ucode)"
intel_desc="$(print_item intel) Install packages for media decode and GPU stuff in Intel-land."
2020-08-12 21:52:15 -05:00
nvidia="$(nonfree nvidia nvidia-opencl)"
nvidia_desc="$(print_item nvidia) Install NVIDIA drivers."
graphics="Vulkan-Tools clinfo mesa-demos"
graphics_desc="$(print_item graphics) Install graphics stack testing tools."
fonts="font-awesome5 font-fira-ttf font-ibm-plex-ttf liberation-fonts-ttf
noto-fonts-ttf noto-fonts-emoji ttf-bitstream-vera"
fonts_desc="$(print_item fonts) Basic fonts necessary for browsing the web and normal GUIs."
2020-08-12 21:27:20 -05:00
themes="breeze-snow-cursor-theme breeze-amber-cursor-theme"
themes_desc="$(print_item themes) Color and mouse themes for a good color setup."
_util="brightnessctl grim slurp swayidle swaylock wl-clipboard gammastep"
_gui="Waybar foot fuzzel nwg-launchers mako kanshi"
wm="${_util} ${gui} wayfire wf-shell wcm wayfire-plugins-extra"
wm_desc="$(print_item wm) Install Wayfire and supporting packages. Depends on fonts and themes."
wayland="wf-recorder cage sway waypipe"
wayland_desc="$(print_item wayland) Install other Wayland compositors and tools."
2020-05-22 21:55:01 -05:00
xorg="xfce4 xorg"
xorg_desc="$(print_item xorg) Install XFCE4 and Xorg."
audio="alsa-utils playerctl pipewire pavucontrol"
audio_desc="$(print_item audio) Install PipeWire and ALSA."
2020-08-12 21:27:20 -05:00
sndio="sndio aucatctl alsa-sndio"
sndio_desc="$(print_item sndio) Install sndio."
media="bluez mpv mpv-mpris youtube-dl spotifyd spotify-tui imv ImageMagick"
media_desc="$(print_item media) Install mpv, imv and spotify CLI programs."
2020-01-24 14:39:32 -06:00
dev="cmake make meson ninja valgrind gdb strace go"
dev_desc="$(print_item dev) Install build systems, debug tools, Go."
containers_desc="$(print_item containers) Install Podman."
emacs="emacs-gtk3 hunspell hunspell-en_US hunspell-pt_BR shellcheck zstd"
emacs_desc="$(print_item emacs) Install the GUI version of Emacs."
qute="qt5-wayland qutebrowser pdf.js"
qute_desc="$(print_item qute) Install Qt5 for Wayland and Qutebrowser."
2020-05-12 18:36:41 -05:00
qt5="qt5-wayland qbittorrent"
qt5_desc="$(print_item qt5) Install Qt5 for Wayland and qBittorrent."
mozilla="firefox thunderbird"
2020-08-12 21:52:15 -05:00
mozilla_desc="$(print_item mozilla) Install Firefox and Thunderbird."
2020-08-12 22:38:01 -05:00
gemini_desc="$(print_item gemini) Install castor."
office="libreoffice libreoffice-i18n-en-US libreoffice-i18n-pt-BR"
office_desc="$(print_item office) Install Libreoffice."
pdf="zathura zathura-pdf-poppler"
pdf_desc="$(print_item pdf) Install Zathura."
flatpak="flatpak xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xdg-user-dirs xdg-user-dirs-gtk xdg-utils"
flatpak_desc="$(print_item flatpak) Install Flatpak and supporting packages."
embedded="arduino-cli cross-arm-none-eabi cross-arm-none-eabi-gdb
python3-pyserial openocd screen sdcc ugdb gef"
embedded_desc="$(print_item embedded) Install embedded toolchain and programmer/debugger software."
qemu="qemu proot qemu-user-static"
qemu_desc="$(print_item qemu) Install QEMU, proot."
2020-08-12 22:38:01 -05:00
kicad="kicad kicad-footprints kicad-library kicad-packages3D kicad-symbols
kicad_desc="$(print_item kicad) Install KiCad EDA and its resource packages."
void_docs="mdBook mdbook-linkcheck pandoc vmdfmt"
void_docs_desc="$(print_item void_docs) Install development tools for Void Docs."
xbps_devel="zlib-devel libressl-devel libarchive-devel"
xbps_devel_desc="$(print_item xbps_devel) Install development dependencies for XBPS."
2020-08-12 21:52:15 -05:00
base_env_list="base term ssh intel fonts themes wm sndio media qute popcorn
mozilla pdf emacs security su_disk_tools"
base_env="$(assemble_list "$base_env_list")"
2020-08-12 21:52:15 -05:00
base_env_desc="$(print_item base_env) $base_env_list"
current_system_list="base_env_list zfs wayland uefi_bundle"
current_system="$(assemble_list "$current_system_list")"
2020-08-12 21:52:15 -05:00
current_system_desc="$(print_item current_system) $current_system_desc"
all_list="$base_env_list luks uefi_bundle disk_tools refind zfs dev office
flatpak embedded kicad ate void_docs xbps_devel xorg nvidia graphics qt5 audio
wayland gemini containers"
all="$(assemble_list "$all_list")"
2020-08-12 21:52:15 -05:00
all_desc="$(print_item all) $all_list"
print_all_descs() {
for name in $1
eval "echo \"\$${name}_desc\""
print_help () {
cat <<EOF
$(print_bold Usage): $0 collection [collections...]
These are the available package collections:
2020-08-12 21:52:15 -05:00
$(print_all_descs "$all_list")
These are the available bundles:
Recommended individual apps:
$(print_item bolt) control thunderbolt port
$(print_item cscope) inspect code
$(print_item elisa) music player
$(print_item fstl) STL visualizer
$(print_item fwupd) system firmware updater
$(print_item hugo) static site generator
$(print_item podman) container tool
$(print_item riot-desktop) Matrix client
$(print_item sent) presentation thingy
$(print_item sl) choo-choo
2020-08-12 21:27:20 -05:00
$(print_item aria2) multi-downloader
$(print_item arp-scan) network scanner
2020-08-12 22:38:01 -05:00
$(print_item freerouting) auto-router for kicad
$(print_item kstars) KStars
$(print_bold "Environment variables:")
- ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES: env variable for individual packages
- NO_NONFREE: to disable nonfree repo
- FLAGS: additional flags
- BOOTSTRAP: bootstrap an installation
- ROOTDIR: root directory
[ -n "$ROOTDIR" ] && FLAGS="-r${ROOTDIR} ${FLAGS}"
[ -n "$BOOTSTRAP" ] &&
-S ${FLAGS}"
XBPS_INSTALL="xbps-install ${FLAGS}"
XBPS_QUERY="xbps-query ${FLAGS}"
check_nonfree() {
if [ -z "$NO_NONFREE" ] ; then
if ! $XBPS_QUERY void-repo-nonfree >/dev/null ; then
$XBPS_INSTALL -S void-repo-nonfree
echo "Non-free packages are disabled"
if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
if [ "$BOOTSTRAP" ]; then
$XBPS_INSTALL -S base-system
echo "Collections: $@"
for coll in "$@"
if [ -z "${coll}" ] ; then
echo "$coll doesn't exist"
eval "new_packages=\"\$$coll\""
packages="${packages} ${new_packages}"
2020-01-24 14:39:32 -06:00
packages="${packages} $ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES"
echo "Packages: ${packages}"
$XBPS_INSTALL $packages
for coll in "$@"
if [ -r "$coll" ] ; then
command "$coll"