/* DNS query * * based off of: * - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1035 * - https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3596 * * understanding compression required some study of strace(1) output * from drill(1) and getent(1) * * this utility doesn't check for buffer overflows in any capacity, * and is therefore extremely vulnerable to any form of malicious input * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BYTE1(x) (x & 0xff) #define BYTE2(x) ((x>>8)&0xff) static noreturn void e(const char *str) { fputs(str, stderr); fputc('\n', stderr); exit(1); } static noreturn void ep(const char *str, int v) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d\n", str, v); exit(1); } static void iter_name(const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_len, char *name, size_t *name_pos, size_t *index, int recursion) { if (recursion > 5) { e("too much compression recursion!"); } size_t l, ln = *name_pos, i = *index; while ((l = buf[i++])) { /* compression */ if (l & 0xc0) { uint16_t offset = ((uint16_t)(l & ~0xc0) << 8) | buf[i++]; size_t j = offset; iter_name(buf, buf_len, name, &ln, &j, recursion+1); break; } else { memcpy(name+ln, buf+i, l); i+=l; ln+=l+1; name[ln-1] = '.'; } } *name_pos = ln; *index = i; } #define QTYPE_A 1 #define QTYPE_AAAA 28 #define QCLASS_IN 1 static void add_q(uint8_t *q, size_t *index, const char *qname, uint16_t qtype, uint16_t qclass, uint16_t *qdcount_written) { size_t i = *index; for (;;) { const char *dot = strchr(qname, '.'); /* fragment length */ size_t f = dot ? dot - qname : strlen(qname); if (f >= UINT8_MAX) e("bad qname"); q[i++] = f; memcpy(q+i, qname, f); i+=f; if (dot) qname = dot+1; else break; } /* terminator */ q[i++] = 0; q[i++] = BYTE2(qtype); q[i++] = BYTE1(qtype); q[i++] = BYTE2(qclass); q[i++] = BYTE1(qclass); *index = i; *qdcount_written += 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *query = "google.com", *server = ""; int c, get_aaaa = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "46d:s:")) != -1) { if (c == '4') get_aaaa = 0; else if (c == '6') get_aaaa = 1; else if (c == 'd') query = optarg; else if (c == 's' && strcmp(optarg, "localhost")) server = optarg; else e("usage: dnsquery [-4|-6] [-d domain] [-s server]"); } uint8_t q[256], r[1024]; /* query id */ getentropy(q, 2); /* QR(1) OPCODE(4) AA(1) TC(1) RD(1) * query | standard query */ q[2] = (0 << 7) | (0 << 3) | (0 << 2) | (0 << 1) | 1; /* RA(1) Z(3) RCODE(4) */ q[3] = 0; uint16_t ancount = 0, nscount = 0, arcount = 0; q[6] = BYTE2(ancount); q[7] = BYTE1(ancount); q[8] = BYTE2(nscount); q[9] = BYTE1(nscount); q[10] = BYTE2(arcount); q[11] = BYTE1(arcount); size_t i = 12; uint16_t qdcount = 0; add_q(q, &i, query, get_aaaa ? QTYPE_AAAA : QTYPE_A, QCLASS_IN, &qdcount); q[4] = BYTE2(qdcount); q[5] = BYTE1(qdcount); int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); struct sockaddr_in addr = {.sin_family=AF_INET, .sin_port=htons(53), .sin_addr=inet_addr(server)}; void *ap = &addr; sendto(s, q, i, 0, ap, sizeof addr); ssize_t ret = recv(s, r, sizeof r, 0); close(s); if (ret < 0) { perror("recv"); return 1; } if (memcmp(q, r, 2)) { e("bad ID"); } uint8_t rcode = r[3] & 0xf; if (rcode) { ep("bad rcode", rcode); } qdcount = ((uint16_t)r[4] << 8) | r[5]; ancount = ((uint16_t)r[6] << 8) | r[7]; if (ancount == 0) { e("no answers"); } /* begin parsing RRs */ i = 12; for (size_t j=0; j < qdcount+ancount; j++) { char name[64]; size_t ln = 0; iter_name(r, ret, name, &ln, &i, 0); name[ln-1] = '\0'; puts(name); /* don't do anything else with query RRs */ if (j < qdcount) { i+=4; continue; } uint16_t type = ((uint16_t)r[i] << 8) | r[i+1]; i+=2; uint16_t class = ((uint16_t)r[i] << 8) | r[i+1]; i+=2; uint32_t ttl = ((uint32_t)r[i] << 24) | ((uint32_t)r[i+1] << 16) | ((uint32_t)r[i+2] << 8) | r[i+3]; i+=4; printf("ttl: %u\n", (unsigned)ttl); uint16_t rdlength = ((uint16_t)r[i] << 8) | r[i+1]; i+=2; if (class == QCLASS_IN) { /* desired length */ uint16_t len_d; /* formatting */ int af; const char *ip_class; char ip_s[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; if (type == QTYPE_A) { len_d = 4; af = AF_INET; ip_class = "IPv4"; } else if (type == QTYPE_AAAA) { len_d = 16; af = AF_INET6; ip_class = "IPv6"; } else { ep("unknown qtype", type); } if (rdlength != len_d) ep("bad record length", rdlength); /* address comes over the wire in network order */ if (!inet_ntop(af, r+i, ip_s, sizeof ip_s)) e("bad address"); i+=len_d; printf("%s: %s\n", ip_class, ip_s); continue; } e("can't interpret answer"); } return 0; }