Add Advent 2021 - day 23.

Only part 1 so far, and it's quite slow.
This commit is contained in:
Érico Nogueira 2021-12-26 01:01:41 -03:00
parent 61a845cf75
commit 467c17eebe
1 changed files with 111 additions and 0 deletions

2021/day23/p.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/list)
(require racket/match)
(require racket/math)
(require racket/vector)
; A=0 ... D=3
;(define original-org '( (1 . 0) (2 . 3) (1 . 2) (3 . 0) )) ; test input
(define original-org '( (0 . 2) (3 . 2) (0 . 3) (1 . 1) )) ; puzzle input
(define indexes '(2 4 6 8))
(define anti-indexes (remove* indexes (range 11)))
(define (index-value x)
(* (add1 x) 2))
(define dim-x 11)
(define dim-y 3)
(define (valid-position x y)
(or (= y 0) (member x indexes)))
(define pos (for/vector ([_ dim-y]) (make-vector dim-x 'empty)))
(define (copy-maps maps)
(for/vector ([vec maps]) (vector-copy vec)))
(define (access maps x y)
(vector-ref (vector-ref maps y) x))
(define (change maps x y v)
(vector-set! (vector-ref maps y) x v))
(define (empty? maps x y)
(equal? (access maps x y) 'empty))
; populate pos with initial values
(for ([p original-org] [i (in-naturals)])
(let ([index (index-value i)])
(change pos index 1 (car p))
(change pos index 2 (cdr p))))
(define (check-path maps from to)
([(cons x y) from]
[(cons nx ny) to]
[valid-path #t]
[dx (sgn (- nx x))])
(for ([xi (in-range (+ x dx) nx dx)] #:break (not valid-path))
(unless (empty? maps xi 0)
(set! valid-path #f)))
(define (move-fish maps from to)
([(cons x y) from]
[(cons nx ny) to]
[v (access maps x y)])
(change maps x y 'empty)
(change maps nx ny v)
(* (expt 10 v) (+ (abs (- x nx)) (abs (- y ny))))))
(define (map-done maps)
(for/and ([i 4])
(let ([index (index-value i)])
(= i (access maps index 1) (access maps index 2)))))
(define (available-moves maps)
(filter (lambda (a) (not (null? (cdr a))))
(for*/list ([x dim-x] [y dim-y] #:when (and (valid-position x y) (not (empty? maps x y))))
(cons x y)
(filter (lambda (a) a)
(let ([v (access maps x y)])
(if (= y 0)
(if (empty? maps (index-value v) 2)
(cons (index-value v) 2)
(if (and (empty? maps (index-value v) 1) (equal? (access maps (index-value v) 2) v))
(cons (index-value v) 1)
(if (or
(and (= y 2) (not (= (index-value v) x)) (empty? maps x 1))
(and (= y 1) (or
(not (= (index-value v) x))
(let ([nv (access maps x 2)]) (not (= (index-value nv) x))))))
(for/list ([xi anti-indexes])
(if (empty? maps xi 0)
(cons xi 0)
(define (find-solution maps)
(define min-cost +inf.0)
(define (rec m total-cost)
(when (< total-cost min-cost)
(let ([moves (available-moves m)])
(if (null? moves)
(when (and (map-done m) (< total-cost min-cost))
(set! min-cost total-cost)))
(for ([move moves])
(let ([from (car move)])
(for ([to (cdr move)])
(when (check-path m from to)
(let* ([nm (copy-maps m)]
[move-cost (move-fish nm from to)])
(rec nm (+ total-cost move-cost)))))))))))
(rec maps 0)
(find-solution pos)